Medical/ Dental Professionals

  • Hassle-free ordering

    you can set the QAIS Clear to be delivered at a periodic interval

  • Save cost

    Partner clinics are eligible for 10% discount each order

  • NEA seal of approval:

    Approved by the National Environmental Agency against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus

  • Backed by science

    Independently tested by 3rdparty laboratory to ensure safety and efficacy

  • Made in Singapore with Japan Quality

    ensure stable supply without worry about global disruption


The efficacy of Sunstar QAIS has been proven scientifically through 3rd party independent laboratory. 

Antiviral Activity Test (In-vitro study)

The Antiviral effectiveness of Sunstar QAIS was evaluated in vitro against the SARS-CoV-2 Variant (Delta) which was said to be the variant that caused more severe disease than other variants in people who weren’t vaccinated. Sunstar QAIS is proven to kills the SARS-CoV-2 Variant (Delta) by more than 99.99% in 15 seconds.

Research methodology Virus strain: SARS-CoV-2 Variant (Delta); hCoV-19/Japan/TY11-927-P1/2021 Test virus suspension: 3.2 x 108 PFU/ml